How to go from being a tired mom to creating healthy routines for your kids 
without the worry of needing to do it all perfectly

12 Month Membership Details 

  • Concierge Motherhood Coaching with Dr. Katrina
  • ​​Raising Healthy Kids Foundational Course
  • ​Members Only Facebook Group
  • ​Live Recording of Natural Pharmacy Workshop
  • ​10% Off all supplement recommendations
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$87 every month
Check Your Email For Enrollment Confirmation and Access To The Private Community After Clicking The "ENROLL" Button Below.

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All membership fees are processed through Stripe, a secure network. We respect your privacy.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Concierge Motherhood Coaching? Dr. Katrina will help guide and coach you through the tough spots in Motherhood via the messaging app Voxxer.  Helping to provide you support in your journey.
  • ​What other support is available? A private Facebook group for all members. 
  • ​What is the Raising Healthy Kids Course? Dr. Katrina built this course to help you build a foundation of healthy practices to help create healthy and vibrant children. Reduce Toxins (Phase 1) , Replenish Minerals (Phase 2) Foundations in Food (Phase 3) and Cultivate Healthy Habits (Phase 4). You can easily work through the program in 30-40 minutes per week.  Most videos are 10-15 minutes long.